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Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent – as long as we detect the cell changes that cause it, early.  And guess what?  New Zealand has one of the best cervical screening programmes in the world to help you.

All women between 25 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should have regular three-yearly smear tests.

It’s completely up to you who takes your screen. You can choose to go to your regular doctor or choose to go to:

  • any doctor or practice nurse
  • a midwife
  • Family Planning
  • your sexual health service
  • marae-based or other Māori health centres
  • community health services, eg, Pacific or women’s health centres
  • screening support services.

You can request a female screen taker from most services.

Whoever you choose, all screen takers are specially trained to make sure the test is comfortable, and meets your rights as a patient.

The National Screening Unit can help you find someone to take your cervical screen. Give us a call on freephone (0800) 729 729.

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