All star cheerleading is a mixture of dance, gymnastics and acrobatics. We do not use pom poms or yell chants on the sidelines – we are the main event!
Elite Athletes – Competitive Cheerleading is a cheer sport for boys and girls aged 5+ where teams perform a two and a half minute routine at national and international competitions against other clubs. Each routine consists of stunting, tumble, jumps and dance and our teams practice for two hours twice a week. The teams are divided into age and level categories.
Energetic and Fun – Recreational cheerleading is for those who want to be part of this energetic and fun cheer sport but without the time and financial commitment of competitions. The teams are also divided by age but there can be a variety of tumble levels in a team.
Beginners to the Experienced – Our tumble classes are for those people who like to learn anything from a cartwheel to a standing tuck and beyond. We work with the athletes on perfecting techniques for each level to ensure a smooth progression to the next skill.
Pascoe Street
(021) 178 8082Contact
[email protected]Flip Out Trampoline Arena Pascoe Street
Flip Out Trampoline Arena Pascoe Street, Annesbrook, Nelson, New Zealand
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