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Vision – The Golden Bay Workcentre Trust enables individuals and groups to achieve self-determination, create healthy and tolerant lifestyles and exercise positive choices

Mission – Golden Bay Workcentre Trust creates opportunities by providing facilities, resources, training and support, for individuals and groups, to realise their unique potential, value and role in their whanau and community.

Services Provided
Community Connector – Golden Bay & Motueka – The Community Connector programme will focus on helping people connect with the services they need to support recovery post COVID-19.  Community Connectors will assist people to get the information and access they need from multiple government agencies and service providers.  The role of the Community Connector will be determined by the needs of the people they are helping.  This role is a participant centred service working towards self-management.

Youth Service – Golden Bay & Motueka – We are contracted by the Ministry of Social Development to provide Youth Services in Golden Bay and Motueka.  Youth Services is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and supports young people aged 16 to 19 to engage in education, training, and work-based learning, and to have the life skills to be a successful contributing member of the community.

Heartland Service Centre – Golden Bay – Heartland Services is a nationwide initiative (funded by Oranga Tamariki) to provide access to Government Services and information in rural communities.  The local Work and Income NZ office is also housed within our Heartlands facility.

Youth Education – Ākonga Youth Programme – The Workcentre is funded by the Ministry of Youth Development to run our bespoke Youth Education Programme/s.  This is for young people aged 12-24 years who are not in education, with the aim of helping them to attain qualifications and develop their own pathways towards future work and careers.

Adult Education – Golden Bay & Motueka – We run 13 week pre-employment Training for Work programmes in Golden Bay and Motueka.  These courses are for Work & Income clients receiving a main benefit.  The aim of this training is to get them into long-term sustainable employment.

Community Development – We are funded by the Lotteries Commission and Rātā Foundation to work with other organisations and individuals to generate community based solutions.  The Workcentre has been the origin of a number of different community projects and organisations like the Golden Bay Housing Trust, Living Well in Golden Bay, SeniorNet, and the Golden Bay Sustainable Living Centre.

Community Facility – Primarily an educational facility, the Workcentre has been running out of a restored turn of the century villa since 1979.  There are a number of buildings on the property, with 18 rooms in total.  Many of these are leased to community groups or initiatives such as the GB Weekly, Fresh FM, a number of therapists and counsellors, and our local charity clothing store.


84 Commercial Street

Postal Address:
PO Box 156


(03) 525 8099

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Open Hours

Monday to Friday - 9am to 3pm

Golden Bay Work Centre Trust Commercial Street

Golden Bay Work Centre Trust Commercial Street, Takaka, New Zealand

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