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Manawhenua ki Mohua (MKM) is an umbrella entity for three Iwi living in Mohua; Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Rārua and Te Ātiawa.  MKM is made up of whānau (families) who whakapapa (have ancestral ties) to Mōhua, and a representative from each of the three Iwi Trusts.

MKM are the descendants of Māori chiefs, who became guardians of the rohe (area) through raupatu (conquest) and intermarriage; a responsibility, which is subsequently passed down by way of whakapapa (genealogy).  The hau kāinga (home people) have maintained ahi kā roa (long term residence) in Mohua for generations.  As kaitiaki, MKM seek to uphold the Tikanga (cultural), Wairua (spiritual) and Taiao (environmental) integrity of the rohe for past, present and future generations.


(027) 316 0108


MKM Administrator
[email protected]
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