Mapua Bowling Club welcomes new and experienced bowlers to join our very friendly members here in the lovely village of Mapua. We have an excellent clubhouse and bowl on a cotula green from October until April. Coaching is always available. We accommodate all levels of play from purely social through to seriously competitive; there is a place for everyone. Enquiries about bowling and the hire of the clubhouse are welcomed.
You are welcome to drop into the Club during one of our playing sessions for an opportunity to meet us and try out the game without any obligation to join. Alternatively we can arrange to meet at another time that is convenient to give you a quiet, relaxed, no-pressure introduction to the game and our club.
All equipment is provided and now includes ‘bowling arms’ for those who wish to give one a try.
84 Aranui Road
Postal Address:
PO Box 50
MAPUA 7048