Māpua School is situated in the sunny Tasman Bay area in a positive, supportive, and growing community. The local climate and environment encourage outdoor living and pursuits with easy access to local beaches, domains and the Abel Tasman National Park, while the village and wharf area provides a range of galleries, restaurants and cafes.
The school has a long history in education, having celebrated it’s centenary in 2015. It plays a central role in our semi-rural community, with the strong links promoting a wide variety of creative and rich learning experiences for students. This includes the use of local expertise that enables extensive and meaningful involvement of students in the preservation of the local area through our “ Tane’s Ark” wetland restoration project.
Māpua School has a growing roll of just under 300 New Entrant to Year 8 children. There are currently four Learning Teams: Junior (Years 0–2), Middle (Years 3-4), Senior (Years 5–6), and Intermediate (Years 7-8).
Our Board of Trustees consists of a very capable and dedicated group. Considerable property development has taken place in recent years and the BOT is proactive in planning for the future.
We have a very positive and proactive FOMS (Friends of Māpua School) group. It meets on a monthly basis and is actively involved in financially supporting the school through its successful fundraising activities. It also provides opportunities for our parent community to get to know one another and support school activities.
Our School encourages high standards of achievement and we strive to provide an education that respects children’s individuality, develops their responsibility and initiative, whilst challenging them to reach the highest standards of personal achievement. Tumuaki, kaimahi, kaiako and tamariki are expected to show concern for others and their environment. Our tamariki respond well to our environment and this is reflected in the school achievement data.
Student voice is a valued, and integral part of Māpua School. Students take responsibility for our Tuakana Teina programme which sees older students buddied with a younger student and participating in regular Tuakana Teina time. The school student council have representatives from across the school. There are also House Leaders elected to lead each of the five houses within the school.
Māpua School is a member of Kahui Ako Ki Motueka. Through this network, our staff work with other professionals across our region to focus on the continual improvement of teaching and learning.
Māpua School is a place where staff, students and whānau are valued and work together to create a rich and inviting learning environment where everyone can “be all they can”.
MAPUA 7005
(03) 540 2806Contact
[email protected]Website
http://www.mapua.school.nz/Open Hours
School Hours:Monday to Friday - 8.50am to 2.45pm
During School Term