The Nelson Botanical Society was founded in 1989. Our stated objective is ‘to encourage and facilitate the enjoyment, understanding and conservation of New Zealand native flora, with particular reference to the Nelson and Marlborough regions.’ We also like to explore interesting places we might not otherwise get to and enjoy the company of like-minded folk.
Do you want to know more about native plants of the top of the South Island and beyond? Nelson Botanical Society welcomes anyone with an interest in our beautiful and fascinating indigenous plants and fungi – from complete beginners to those with knowledge to share.
Our members include expert botanists and other enthusiasts who are generous with their knowledge and can help you learn how to identify native plants. Botanical Society field trips and camps are wonderful opportunities to explore the region and learn about the local flora. No previous botanical knowledge is necessary.
We have monthly field trips and occasional multi-day expeditions in the Northwest Nelson area and further afield. During the cooler months, we get together once a month, on a Monday evening, to hear speakers on interesting topics.
Jaycee Room
Founders Heritage Park
Nelson 7010