If you love photography as much as we do, we’d love to meet you.
We’re a passionate and diverse group of people who enjoy getting out and about with our cameras, learning with others and sharing ideas. If you’d like to find out more about us, we’d love to meet you. We hope to meet you soon.
The Nelson Camera Club is a thriving and active organisation. Members range from absolute beginners to experienced enthusiasts with a wealth of photographic knowledge. No matter what your level of experience, if you’re interested in photography then we are interested in meeting you!
We offer a full and diverse programme of:
- Workshops
- Field Trips
- Presentations from some of NZ’s top photographers
- Competitions
- Constructive critique of work
- Social events
Stoke Baptist Hall
Main Road
Postal Address:
Nelson Camera Club
C/- Wises Picture Framing
78 Buxton Square
Stoke Baptist Hall
Main Road
Postal Address:
Nelson Camera Club
C/- Wises Picture Framing
78 Buxton Square
(021) 236 0847Open Hours
The Club meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7.30pm at the Stoke Baptist Hall, Main Road, StokeArray