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To provide to all members of the community, without any form of charge or fee, witnessing of documents, certification of copies of documents, taking of oaths, declarations, affidavits and affirmations, performance of citizenship ceremonies, and the issuing of summonses to witnesses.

Justices of the Peace contact details can be found at or in the Yellow Pages.

Service desks are operated as follows –

Saturday – 10am to 12noon:

  • Stoke Library, 35 Putaitai Street, Nelson
  • Tasman Library (Richmond Library), 280 Queen Street, Richmond
  • Motueka Library, 32 Wallace Street, Motueka
  • Elma Turner Library, 27 Halifax Street East, Nelson

Monday and Tuesday – 11am to 2pm:  Nelson City Council, (whilst Court Closed) 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

Wednesday – 11.30am to 1.30pm:  Tasman Library (Richmond Library), 280 Queen Street, Richmond

Friday – 12noon to 1pm:  Nightingale Library Memorial (Tahunanui Library) 8 Beach Road, Tahunanui


(027) 210 2811


Donna Smith
[email protected]

Open Hours

Service Desks:
Saturday – 10am to 12noon
Stoke Library, 35 Putaitai Street, Stoke, Nelson
Tasman Library (Richmond Library), 280 Queen Street Richmond
Motueka Library, 32 Wallace Street, Motueka
Elma Turner Library, 27 Halifax Street East, Nelson

Monday and Tuesday – 11am to 2pm
Nelson City Council (whilst Court closed)

Wednesday – 11.30am to 1.30pm
Richmond Library, 280 Queen Street, Richmond

Friday - 12noon to 1pm
Nightingale Library Memorial (Tahunanui Library) 8 Beach Road, Tahunanui
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