Sport Tasman is one of 17 Regional Sports Trusts (RSTs) operating in New Zealand and exists to get “More People, More Active, More Often” throughout the top of the South Island.
To help get people more physically active Sport Tasman uses a variety of techniques which vary from running sports and recreation events to delivering a large range of targeted community activity programmes. We also manage various sporting facilities from community swimming pools to large sports stadia.
Our region has a population of 154,000 and spans from Buller in the West Coast through Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and Kaikoura on the East Coast. It is one of the largest geographic areas covered by any of New Zealand’s 17 RSTs. As a charitable Trust, Sport Tasman has a healthy supporters club which includes Sport NZ, ASB Bank, Local Councils, District Health Boards, Community Trusts and many local businesses including Bowater Motor Group, The Nelson Mail and MediaWorks.
Sport Tasman provides an autonomous regional delivery system for sport, and physical activity under the structure of a Board of Trustees, Chief Executive Officer and staff, operating from Sports House at Saxton Field, with district offices in Blenheim, Kaikoura and Westport. It operates under the legal entity of Tasman Regional Sports Trust.
The region has the highest proportion of persons aged over 60 years and over in New Zealand. This group makes up 31% of the region’s population. The Tasman region is a mixture of urban concentration and rural districts. It is rich in natural resources and the sea, lakes, mountains, parks and bush make this region a paradise for outdoor recreation.
For many years the top of the south region has been New Zealand’s most physically active area with over 80% of its population active on a regular basis.
142 Saxton Road East
STOKE 7011
Postal Address:
PO Box 3197