Kea Clubs provide safe and nurturing environments for children to have fun and develop their creativity…
As a Kea you will:
- Have lots of fun and go on awesome adventures
- Play heaps of games and make lots of friends
- Learn the Kea Promise and Motto
- Learn to sing the Kea Song and Kea Yell
- Take part in National Events such as Kea Day, Founder’s Day, and Mudslide Day
Cub Packs offer learning programmes where children are encouraged to experience, experiment, and explore…
As a Cub you will:
- Make new friends and have lots of fun!
- Go on exciting new adventures like camping, bushwalking, kayaking, and rock climbing.
- Spend time in your community, work in teams with others, and learn about different cultures.
- Learn new skills and test your creativity.
- Participate in Events such as Pinewood Derby, Mudslide Day, and JOTI (Jamboree On The Internet).
The Scout Section provides the opportunity for young people to test their limits and take the lead in their adventures…
As a Scout you will:
- Experience a variety of exciting adventurous activities.
- Learn valuable life skills like leadership, responsibility, and confidence.
- Meet new people and contribute to your community.
- Have the opportunity to participate in National and International Events, such as Jamborees and National Schools