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Come on down and give it a go, age 11yrs – and beyond.

Great sport for all ages that you can carry on with throughout your life.  Even though winter is biting, the club room is warm and the humours hot.  If you would like some more info or have any questions just contact us.

Would be great to see some old faces back in the club as well as some new ones.  Target shooting isn’t only for the young ones us older ones can do it too.  If it’s something you would like to have a go at and become part of our little club please come along or give me a ring.

Simply contact us or just turn up early on our club night and someone will gladly accommodate you.  As with many sports and activities, you won’t know it’s for you until you give it a go.

Club nights are Mondays over winter from 7pm, the range is next to Wakefield soccer rooms.  Kids shoot first so they can get home on a school night.


Next to Wakefield Soccer Rooms

Open Hours

Winter Club Night - Monday 7pm
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