Tū Pono: Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau is a whānau-driven movement that has a focus to explore ways of enabling a stronger Māori response to reduce and eliminate family harm/violence.
We support Māori communities to explore their own solutions to addressing whānau harm.
We work with Marae, Kura, NGO’s and agencies across Te Tauihu (Top of the South Island) to implement a range of initiatives for whānau Māori affected by whānau harm.
Tū Pono Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau – Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui was formed in 2017 after a series of Whānau Ora hui to explore Māori-led approaches to end whānau violence and harm.
We define harm as any form of physical, sexual, psychological, or neglectful abuse against a whānau member that affects that persons tinana, wairua, hinengaro and their wider whānau.