A great place for your next meeting, presentation or large group activity, this room is available outside of library opening hours.
Located on the ground floor at the Queen Street end of the Richmond Library.
Facilities in this room include seats, tables, a projector and internet access.
- Seats for up to 50 people
- Six large movable tables available for use (additional tables available if required)
- Lectern for presenters
- Datashow projector
- Microphones (lapel and handheld) connected to ceiling mounted speaker system
- Free Wifi available
- “Smart” white board – can save contents to a USB memory stick
- Tea and coffee making facilities
- Available during and after library opening hours
Non-profit/Community groups:
- 1 hour – $10
- Half day (4 hours) – $20
Commercial/Business/Government Department use:
- 1 hour – $28
- Per day (8 hours) – $137
To book this room, visit Richmond Library or phone (03) 543 8500
(03) 543 8500Web Site URL
http://tasmanlibraries.govt.nz/about-us/facilities/meeting-spaces/constance-barnicoat-room/Found Listing:
Tasman District Library Queen Street
Tasman District Library Queen Street, Richmond, New Zealand
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